(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 27 - About 600 black-clad people nostalgic
for Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime on Sunday marked the 102nd
anniversary of the October 28 1922 March on Rome that ushered in
his 20-year reign at his hometown of Predappio in Romagna where
he is buried.
The event, at which Fascist 'prayers' were read and the 'present
and correct' Fascist reply shouted in Mussolini's crypt, was
attended by the Duce's great grand-daughters Orsola and Vittoria
No Fascist salutes were reported at the ceremony, which also
featured children in Fascist fez hats.
At the end of a brief march, those assembled went into the
Predappio gift shops to buy Fascist memorabilia. (ANSA).
Some 600 'nostalgics' mark anniversary of March on Rome
No Fascist salutes reported at Predappio