
Research driver of progress, guarantee of future -Mattarella

'Yet anti-scientific theories continue to circulate'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 30 - Scientific research has been the driver of progress and is the guarantee of the future of humanity, President Sergio Mattarella said on Monday.
    "Research has been the main driver of humanity's progress," said Mattarella at the Quirinale palace on the occasion of the annual 'Days of research' organised by the Italian foundation for cancer research AIRC.
    "AIRC's double foundational intuition has had a prophetic value.
    First of all: cancer can be defeated. Secondly: to win this challenge, we must focus on medical and scientific research. A dual perspective that has progressively created awareness, participation, culture," he continued.
    "Research is the guarantee of the future. Research is the cure," insisted Mattarella, adding that "yesterday's research has already become today's cure, today's research will be tomorrow's cure".
    "Yet after so much evidence, after it was demonstrated in the dramatic experience of the pandemic that the human costs would have been far greater without the rapid discovery of vaccines, unreasonable and anti-scientific theories continue to circulate," said the president.
    Mattarella insisted that anti-scientific theories "not only cloud the vision of the common good but often threaten the very health of citizens, contravening the prescription of Article 32 of the Constitution, according to which health is both a fundamental right of the individual and an interest of the community".
    "In the age of artificial intelligence and the greatest acceleration of science, the dissemination of knowledge continues to mingle with its opposite. It is a paradox of our modernity," he said.
    Mattarella also lamented the limited available resources for scientific research "compared to the standards we should be reaching" and the fact that "many young people go abroad and stay there not because they would not like to work in Italy, but because here certain conditions - economic and professional - are not very open, less competitive". (ANSA).

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