
Smart TVs overtake traditional sets in Italian homes

Some 700,000 households have no TV at all

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 14 - Smart TVs have overtaken traditional televisions in Italy, according to a report by research institute Censis and Auditel, the company that compiles the nation's viewing figures.
    This year there are a total of 21 million Smart TVs in Italy's homes, compared to 20. 5 traditional sets, said the report, which is entitled The New Television Italy and was presented in the Senate on Tuesday.
    If one counts traditional TVs with devices that connect them to the web, the number of 'smart TVs' rises to 22.8 million.
    The report said the proportion of households with TVs that can be connected to the Internet is 64%, up from 34.9% in 2017.
    It said 700,000 households, 2.8% of the total and home to 1.4 million people, do not have any TVs at all.
    The report added that Italian families have a total of 50.6 million smartphones. (ANSA).

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