
Heat has fuelled expansion of dangerous sea worms

Bearded fireworm threatens reserve creatures, fishermen in south

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 29 - The waves of intense heat that have hit Italy in the last two or three years have fuelled the expansion in southern seas of a type of highly invasive and voracious sea worm that poses dangers to animals living in marine reserves and for the work of fishermen.
    The bearded fireworm has no natural enemies and regenerates if chopped in two. It has stinging bristles that can give very painful stings to anyone that picks one up.
    The species has expanded immeasurably in the seas of Sicily, Puglia and Calabria, threatening fishing.
    "The bearded fireworm, whose scientific name is hermodice carunculata, has stinging toxic bristles that generate edemas, itching and fever," said Michela D'Alessandro, who with her colleagues Valentina Esposito and Marco Graziani, is studying this species, which until a short while ago was known for only being numerous in the Suez Canal. (ANSA).

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