
Hooligans sentenced for Lazio extortion

Convicted include four 'ultra' hooligan leaders

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) Rome, January 29 - A local court convicted seven people Thursday including four leaders of hardcore 'ultra' supporters of soccer team Lazio on charges of trying to seize control of the club in 2006 using extortion.
    The judges handed prison sentences of three years and two months each to Fabrizio Piscitelli, nicknamed 'Diabolik' after an Italian comic-book criminal, and Yuri Alviti, while Fabrizio Toffolo received a three year and six month sentence and Paolo Arcivieri was handed a two year and two month term.
    Piscitelli, leader of an extreme right wing fan gang called the Irriducibili, spearheaded a campaign to get Lazio Chairman Claudio Lotito to sell the club.
    Lotito irked ultra fan groups by denying them privileges granted by previous owners such as free tickets and the ability to sell official club merchandise.

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