
Gymnastics: Ferrari out of Paris with calf injury

This is one of toughest blows says all-time great

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 28 - Italy's all-time most decorated gymnast, artistic ace Vanessa Ferrari, is out of the Paris Olympics after tearing a calf muscle in training, her entourage said Thursday.
    Brescia-born 2006 all-round world champ Ferrari, 33, who competed at the 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 Games, winning a record silver medal on floor exercise in 2020, said "I've had a lot of injuries in my career but this time the blow is a big one".
    She added: "Now I need some time to metabolize this hard blow but I'd like to thank all those who have supported me and have always believed in me because the support Ia have got has always been fundamental for me".
    Ferrari, whose mother is Bulgarian, in 2006 became the first Italian to win an individual Olympic medal in Women's Artistic Gymnastics, and the first medallist for the Italian women's team since the 1928 Summer Olympics.
    She is a five-time World medallist and eight-time European medallist, and is currently the most decorated Italian gymnast of all time. (ANSA).

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