
Roose breaks world record crossing Strait on a rope

Estonian slackliner champ walks 3,600 metres on 1.9cm wide rope

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - Three-tine world champion slackliner Jaan Roose of Eestonia on Wednesday broke another world record by walking across the Messina Strait on a slackline tightrope.
    The Red Bull athlete had set off from the Santa Trada Pier in Villa San Giovanni on the Calabrian side of the strait, harnessed at a height of 250 metres, on his way to a feat never attempted before: the Messina Crossing, i.e. crossing the 3,600 metres of the Straits of Messina on a 1.9 centimetre wide ribbon of rope.
    Roose, who received a slushy 'grantita', a Sicilian speciality, upon his arrival, said he was "very happy with the feat".

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