(ANSA) - Vatican City, November 4 - A senior Vatican
official on Tuesday condemned the suicide of American brain
cancer sufferer Brittany Maynard at the weekend. "We don't judge
people, but the gesture in itself is to be condemned," Ignacio
Carrasco de Paula, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life,
told ANSA.
Maynard, a 29-year-old American afflicted with terminal
brain cancer, announced weeks ago that she was planning to end
her life.
The video Maynard posted on Youtube in conjunction with the
non-profit Compassion & Choices, in which she announced her
decision, has been viewed 9.8 million times and made her a key
advocate in the US's right-to-die movement.
Vatican condemns Brittany suicide
Pontifical Academy for Life chief criticizes gesture, not person