(ANSA) - Rome, December 23 - A Vatican court has appointed a
technical consultant who will examine digital communications
between three defendants in the so-called Vatileaks 2 trial over
a document-leaking scandal, ANSA learned on Wednesday.
The expert witness, Paolo Atzeri of Rome, will examine
emails, text messages and Whatsapp communications between
Monsignor Lucio Vallejo Balda, his former assistant Nicola Maio,
and PR expert Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui.
Chaouqui's attorney requested the examination, sustaining
that the version of communications provided in the lawsuit was
incomplete, with deletions and omissions.
The trial will remain in recess during the examination, set
to begin on January 11 and conclude by February 20.
Two Italian journalists who published books, allegedly
using the leaked documents, are also on trial.
Vatican court names expert witness
Expert to examine digital communications between defendants