
Poor and homeless paying highest price (9)

Francis prays for artists, creativity needed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Vatican City, April 27 - The poor and the homeless are paying the highest price in the global coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said on Monday.
    "The lives of millions of people, in our world already struggling with so many difficult challenges and oppressed by the pandemic, have changed and been sorely tried," he said in a message to the world of street newspapers.
    "The most fragile people, the invisible ones, the persons without homes risk paying the heaviest price." "Looking to the poorest, in these days, can help us all to become aware of what is really happening to us, and our true condition".
    At a Vatican Mass earlier Francis said he was praying for artists and said creativity was needed at this tough time.
    "Let us pray today for the artists, who have this very great capacity for creativity, and via the roads of beauty point the way for us to follow.
    "May the Lord give us all the grace of creativity in this moment".
    The pope was speaking in a homily at Mass at Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican hostel he lives in.

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