(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, AUG 18 - Pope Francis on Wednesday
removed a Brazilian bishop after a video surfaced last Friday in
which he is seen semi-naked with another man.
Msgr Tomé Ferreira da Silva was replaced as bishop of the Sao
José do Rio Preto diocese by Msgr Moacir Silva, archbishop of
Ribeirao Preto.
Msgr Ferreira, 60, has admitted the video is his but has
declined to comment on the content.
Soon after his election in 2013, the pope famously replied "Who
am I to judge?" when asked about gays.
But Catholic doctrine that active homosexuality is a
"disordered" state and a sin has remained unchanged. (ANSA).
Pope removes Brazil bishop after gay video
Accepts resignation of Msgr Tomé Ferreira da Silva