
Mattarella sends Francis message for 11th anniversary

Need for dialogue between believers, non-believers - president

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 19 - Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Tuesday sent a message to Pope Francis to congratulate him on the 11th anniversary of his papal inauguration on 19 March, 2013 in St. Peter's Square.
    In the message, the president stressed the need for dialogue between people of faith and non-believers to tackle the world's many problems.
    "Faced with the main challenges of our time - not only wars, but also growing economic and social inequalities, environmental risks and the ethical repercussions of the use of artificial intelligence - believers and non-believers are called to have dialogue with each other in order to identify responses consistent with the protection of human dignity and the promotion, in every sphere and circumstance, of the common good," the message read. (ANSA).

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