
I'll have coffin but no catafalque says pope

Benedict funeral with body display to be last like that-Francis

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 2 - Pope Francis said Tuesday that he would have a coffin but no catafalque for his funeral.
    The 86-year-old Argentine pontiff, who has had a string of minor health issues lately and who uses a wheelchair due to bad knees, said he wanted to be buried "with dignity like every Christian," speaking in the interview-book 'El Sucesor' by Javier Martinez-Brocal.
    Recalling the funeral of his predecessor Benedict XVI in January last year, Francis said: "it will be the last wake celebrated like that, with the pope's body on show outside the coffin, on a catafalque.
    "I have spoken with the master of ceremonies and we have eliminated this and many other things, because the ritual was too overloaded." (ANSA).

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