(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - Carlo Acutis, a student from Lombardy
who died from leukaemia at the age of 15 in 2006 and became a
model of Christian life for many young believers as well as a
sort of 'patron saint of the internet', will be canonised during
next year's Roman Catholic Jubilee after being beatified on 10
October 2020 in Assisi, Pope Francis told a consistory on new
canonisations Monday.
On May 23 the pope said Acutis had qualified to become a saint
after another miracle was ratified for him.
The second miracle that has earned him his saint's spurs was the
miraculous healing of a young Costa Rican girl.
Acutis has been fast-tracked to sainthood and will be named a
saint by Francis along with the Blessed Giuseppe Allamano,
founder of the Consolata Missions.
Francis told the consistory he wil also canonise Canadian nun
Marie-Leonie Paradis, and Lucca nun Elena Guerra, as well as the
11 "martyrs of Damascus", Emanuele Ruiz and seven companions of
the Order of Friars Minor, and Francis, Abdel Mooti and Raphael
The exact date has yet to be set, said the 87-year-old Argentine
pontiff. (ANSA).
'Internet saint' Acutis to be canonised during Jubilee
Monza teen died of leukaemia in 2006, model of Christian life