
Zuppi says danger of populism, can deprive us of democracy

Must remember the past says CEI chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 3 - Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) President Cardinal matteo Zuppi on Wednesday warned against the dangers of populism saying it could deprive people of democracy.
    "The Encyclical Brothers All offers us a concrete, possible, attractive, shared horizon. One people.
    "Therefore, we look with concern at the danger of populisms that, if we have no memory of the past, can deprive us of democracy or weaken it!", said Zuppi during the opening ceremony of the Social Week of Italian Catholics, in Trieste.
    "Participation, the heart of our Constitution, allows and requires the human flourishing of individuals and society, increases the sense of belonging, educates to have a heart that beats with others, even among differences," he said. (ANSA).

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