
Pope accepts resignation of bishop accused of covering abuse

Mons. Heinz-Günter Bongartz, auxiliary of Hildesheim, Germany

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 11 - Pope Francis has accepted the resignation presented by Monseigneur Heinz-Günter Bongartz, 69, as auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Hildesheim in Germany, the Holy See said on Wednesday.
    The auxiliary bishop was accused by a parish priest of covering up cases of sexual abuse of minors by a priest who died in 2019.
    The case had prompted the intervention of the diocese's bishop, Mons. Heiner Wilmer, who asked the accuser Matthias Eggers, parish priest of Wolfenbuttel, to tone down tensions.
    The situation appeared to have calmed down until the pope's decision was announced on Wednesday (ANSA).

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