
Pope Francis allows devotion to Medjugorje

Cautious green light - 'fruits are positive'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 19 - The Vatican on Thursday approved the spiritual devotion centred in Medjugorie, Bosnia, over its "positive fruit" for Catholics.
    The green light to the cult of a pilgrimage site where the Virgin Mary is alleged to have appeared came from the Vatican's doctrinal office with Pope Francis' approval.
    The pontiff approved the document recognizing "the goodness of the spiritual fruits linked to Medjugorje, authorizing the faithful to adhere to it" since "many positive fruits have been noted in the midst of a spiritual experience, while negative and dangerous effects have not spread among the People of God", said the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
    While noting that the overall judgment of the messages is positive, the document however said this did not imply that it was declaring as authentic the alleged supernatural events, but rather stating that the spiritual phenomenon was beneficial to pilgrims.
    And while not expressing judgement on the morals of those who have claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary at the site since 1981, the Dicastery urged pilgrims who visit Medjugorje "to be strongly advised that pilgrimages are not made to meet with alleged visionaries but to have an encounter with Mary, the Queen of Peace." (ANSA).

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