
Pope tells cardinals to cut costs

Zero deficit is a realistic goal says Francis in letter

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 20 - Pope Francis has written to the College of Cardinals of the Catholic Church calling on them to step up efforts to cut costs as part of the reform of the Roman Curia launched a decade ago.
    "The past years have shown that the requests for reform, which many members of the College of Cardinals have made in the past, were farsighted," Francis said, adding that the reforms have helped raise awareness that "the economic resources at the service of the mission are limited and must be managed with rigor and seriousness. " He told the Vatican institutions that achieving "zero deficit" was a realistic goal.
    "The institutions of the Holy See have much to learn from the solidarity of good families," he continued, "those who are in a good financial situation help those in need." He said the Church needed to embrace a spirit of "essentiality... avoiding the superfluous and carefully selecting our priorities, fostering mutual collaboration and synergies". (ANSA).

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