(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 28 - The day after the official beginning
of the Jubilee, on December 26, Pope Francis will be at Rome's
Rebibbia prison to open a Holy Door, Monsignor Rino Fisichella
said on Monday.
Archbishop Fisichella, pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for
Evangelization, has urged the government to consider forms of
"amnesty" and announced on September 11 the signature of an
agreement with Justice Minister Carlo Nordio and Jubilee
Commissioner and Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri for the
"implementation during the Jubilee of social activities" to help
the reintegration into society of detainees, (ANSA).
Jubilee: Pope to open Holy Door at Rebibbia on Dec. 26
'Agreement for reintegration of detainees' - Mons. Fisichella