
Gays allowed in seminary but chastity essential - CEI

Non-practising homosexuals can train to be priests - guidelines

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 10 - Gay men will be allowed into Roman Catholic seminaries to train to be priests but they must observe celibacy according to Catholic doctrine that holds that non-practising homosexuals are not sinners, the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) said in new guidelines Friday.
    To be admitted to the seminary, one must show from the beginning "an orientation towards celibate life", the CEI guide said.
    In this perspective, there will not be a barrier to homosexuals as such but to those who "practise" homosexual acts.
    "In the formative process, when reference is made to homosexual tendencies it is appropriate not to reduce discernment to this aspect alone", the guide said.
    "The objective of the formation of the candidate for the priesthood in the affective-sexual sphere is the ability to accept as a gift, to freely choose and to live responsibly chastity in celibacy".
    It is reiterated instead that "the Church, while deeply respecting the people in question, cannot admit to the Seminary and to Holy Orders those who practise homosexuality".
    photo: CEI chief Cardinal Matteo Zuppi (ANSA).

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