
Pope appoints new bishop of Poznan in Poland

Francis continues to work from hospital room

Pope appoints new bishop of Poznan in Poland

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 19 - Pope Francis continued to work from his Rome hospital room despite battling pneumonia Wednesday and appointed a new bishop of Poznan in Poland.
    Francis accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the metropolitan archdiocese of Poznan, presented by Msgr.
    Stanislaw Gadecki, who is 75 years old and who was also president of the Polish Episcopal Conference for ten years, from 2014 to 2024.
    The pope has therefore appointed Msgr. Zbigniew Zielinski as archbishop of the same diocese, said the bulletin of the Vatican Press Office.
    On the occasion of his weekly Wednesday audience, Francis also started a new round of catechesis Wednesday, saying "a word is enough not to leave us alone in pain" and "Jesus defeated death, the root of our fears". (ANSA).

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