
Pope's pneumonia resolved, other infections reduced

He will need oxygen for his convalescence in Santa Marta

Pope's pneumonia resolved, other infections reduced

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 22 - Pope Francis's month-long bout of pneumonia has been resolved and other infections have been reduced, his medial team said Saturday.
    "The most serious infections have been resolved. Some viruses have been reduced. Some fungi have been reduced but it will still take a long time to eliminate them", said the doctors who are treating the 88-year-old Argentine pontiff, answering journalists at Rome's Gemelli Hospital.
    "If you ask us if the bilateral pneumonia is still there, no it isn't.
    "It will still take some time to say whether he is completely cured of all microbial species", said Prof. Sergio Alfieri and Dr. Luigi Carbone.
    "The Pope will not need many things for his convalescence in (Casa) Santa Marta, except oxygen.
    "In addition, for any needs, the Vatican has an emergency service active 24 hours a day". (ANSA).

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