
No EU countries in investment fund yet

EU VP says fund will start in June with whoever is on board

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, January 16 - No European Union countries have signed up yet to invest in the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), the 21-billion-euro initial public fund that's expected to generate the 315 billion euros needed for the EU's Juncker investment plan, said EU Vice President for investment Jyrki Katainen on Friday.
    "We're talking to various countries, and we hope they'll all participate, because they'll make the fund more powerful, but if some of them don't want to participate we'll start without them," Katainen said, speaking from Milan on day two of his 28-country roadshow to promote the investment plan.
    Member states have expressed concern about increased deficit as a result of contributions to the fund, which would put them on the wrong side of EU rules requiring balanced budgets. On Tuesday the European Commission said investments in the fund would be budget neutral, meaning the Commission will not take them into account when looking at compliance with EU budget rules.

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