
Don't sell sovereignty to China - Tajani

'They can't come to Europe and do what they want' says EP chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 22 - European Parliament President and centre-right opposition Forza Italia (FI) Vice President Antonio Tajani on Friday warned Italy against "selling off a piece of sovereignty" by becoming the first G7 country to join China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or 'new Silk Road'.
    "We can't sell off a piece of Italian and European sovereignty to the Chinese," Tajani said a day before visiting Chinese President Xi Jinpinhg signs a memorandum of understanding on the BRI with Premier Gisueppe Conte in Rome.
    "They can't come to Europe and do what they want," he said.
    Tajani added that he was "concerned at the amateurish way Italy is handling relations with China".

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