
Italy, Spain for new immigration pact

Rome and Madrid will be in front line in EU says FM in Madrid

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Madrid, February 7 - Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said after talks with his Spanish counterpart Arancha González Laya that Italy and Spain would work towards a new European pact on immigration.
    Rome and Madrid, he said "will be in the front line for the new European pact on immigration".
    He said they had already been working for several weeks "in this direction".
    Italy and Spain are among the countries that bear the brunt of migration from Africa.
    Italy is the main landing point for the central Mediterranean route from Libya.
    Spain is the main landing point for the western Mediterranean route from Morocco.
    Italy has been trying for years to get other EU members to do more to help it with migration.
    Among other things, it is pressing for a revision to the Dublin regulation.
    This lays down that migrants must register in their country of entry into the EU.
    Other EU members use this regulation to send migrants back to Italy.

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