
Hunger strike starts aboard Humanity 1

Most of 35 people aboard German NGO run ship start refusing food

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 8 - A hunger strike started Tuesday aboard the Humanity 1 where 35 rescued migrants are demanding to be allowed to land at Catania as over 200 of their fellows were Monday, the crew of the German NGO SOS Humanity run ship said.
    Over 30 of the 35 have officially started to refuse food and water as they lobby to join their fellow migrants who were allowed off because of their medical condition.
    Another migrant ship, the Geo Barents of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), is also at the Catania dock hoping to disembark over 200 migrants following the over 350 who were allowed to land Monday.
    Italy is officially refusing to left NGO migrant rescue ships into its waters under a decree issued by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.
    However, a group of 89 asylum seekers picked up in the Mediterranean by the Rise Above search-and-rescue ship run by the German Mission Lifelivne NGO were allowed to disembark in Reggio Calabria early on Tuesday.
    Two Syrian refugees on board the Geo Barents jumped into the sea Monday and are refusing to be taken back aboard after being plucked from the water. One of them has been hospitalised with a fever. (ANSA).

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