
Govt astonished at German NGO news say PM sources

Funding NGO activities in Italy would be serious anomaly

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 22 - The Italian government is astonished at news that Germany is set to fund NGOs rescuing migrants at sea and helping them in Italy too, and demands clarification, sources at the office of Premier Giorgia Meloni said Friday.
    The sources voiced "great astonishment at the news reported by ANSA according to which a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany has announced imminent funding to NGOs for a project to assist migrants on Italian territory and a project of 'rescues' at sea".
    "The Italian government will immediately contact the German authorities for clarification.
    "It is hoped that the news is unfounded because the financing by Germany of NGO activities on Italian territory would be a serious anomaly." (ANSA).

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