
Shared vision on migrants with Rome now - Elysee sources

Meloni counts on EU support, will bring common position to Malta

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 27 - France and Italy now share a common vision on the migrant issue, the Elysee Place said Wednesday after President Emmanuel Macron and Premier Giorgia Meloni conferred on the topic in Rome Tuesday.
    Between France and Italy there is now "a shared vision of the management of the migratory issue", said Elysée Palace sources during a briefing devoted to the upcoming Med 9 summit in Malta.
    "Alone, the member states cannot manage the migration issue," said the sources, voicing satisfaction that since the latest srrivals surge at Lampedusa "Meloni is now playing the card of European support" and adding that Rome and Paris will promote a common position at the Malta summit and at forthcoming European events. (ANSA).

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