
Change approach to African countries says Meloni on Saied

We have had paternalistic approach says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 4 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Wednesday on Tunisian President Kais Saied who has rejected the first tranche of EU funding under a memorandum of understanding she signed in Tunis with EU officials that she agreed with him on the need to change the approach to African countries.
    "I think that President Saied, certainly in an assertive tone, was addressing public opinion," she said on commenting on his rejection of the aid as "charity and alms".
    "After that he is not saying anything very different from what Italy is also saying, which is that the relationship with African countries must change because we have had a paternalistic approach with these countries, a bit as if we felt superior, which is not the right way to deal with these matters.
    "With these nations we must work with respect, as equals, with an approach that is that of a strategic partnership." The EU said Saied rejected the aid because he had been expecting a much bigger sum than the 227 million. (ANSA).

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