
Salis says 'still in the pit'

Thanks for being close to me,you're my strength tells supporters

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 31 - Ilaria Salis, an Italian antifascist on trial in Hungary for allegedly attacking three neoNazis on their Day of Honour commemorating SS soldiers on February 11 last year, and who was recently granted house arrest after controversial jail detention conditions, told supporters on the Web Friday that while she was happy to get out of prison she was "still in the pit" and facing 24 years of prison if she is convicted.
    Speaking on her Instagram profile, the 39-year-old Monza elementary school teacher who was put up for the European parliament by Italy's Green -Left Alliance (AVS) in a successful bid to attain house arrest said "I'm still waiting for the sentence, I risk 24 years of tough jail time which is the equivalent of 120 years under house arrest.
    "The pit has just changed shape, but sadly I'm still in it".
    If elected for the AVS next month, Salis hopes to be moved to house arrest in Italy thanks to her parliamentary immunity.
    She thanked supporters saying "thanks for being close to me, you're my strength".
    As well as allegedly having to put up with allegedly dirty and inhumane jail conditions, Salis was repeatedly led into court on a chain with her wrists and ankles cuffed, treatment which Hungary says is standard but which spurred Italian protests.
    Her father Roberto says she was tortured to try to get her to confess to the alleged neo-Nazi attack but she has persistently claimed she is innocent. (ANSA).

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