(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 5 - Patrick Lumumba,a former Perugia bar
owner initially fingered by Amanda Knox for the 2007 murder of
her housemate Meredith Kercher, said after she was re-convicted
of slandering him Wednesday that she had been friends with the
American then exchange student but "she stabbed me in the back".
A Florence court confirmed a three year sentence for Knox, now a
writer, for slandering Congo-born Lumumba but she will not go to
jail because the time has already been served due to her initial
conviction, before eventual exoneration, in the Kercher case.
"The sentence is just and deserved," Lumumba told ANSA after the
verdict was read out.
"I hail the court in Florence with much respect and honour for
their professionalism.
"It is true we were friends with Amanda Knox, but you don't stab
friends in the back and Amanda stabbed me.
"She stabbed me and did not apologise." (ANSA).
Were friends with Knox but she stabbed me in back - Lumumba
Ex Perugia bar owner slandered in Kercher case confirms court