
Agcom intervenes to block Russia Today content

To stop Donbass docu released by YouTube and X

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 13 - Italy's media watchdog Agcom on Thursday requested, following a report forwarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to YouTube and X, the removal of a documentary produced by the Russia Today television channel and accessible from Italy.
    The video - Agcom explains - "proposes a reconstruction of what has happened in the Donbass over the last 10 years without any examination or re-presentation of different positions, describing the Ukrainian population as composed of ferocious Nazis who want to exterminate their own people with the complicity of NATO, the USA and the EU, indicated as the real instigators of the massacres and authors of the 2014 coup d'état". (ANSA).

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