
Rules on digital markets flexible - EU on Apple-Open AI deal

'Evaluation when service is integrated' - Commission

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 13 - The integration of ChatGPT into Apple's operating service iOS could trigger a revision of new European Union rules for digital competition.
    The Digital Markets Act (DMA), the EU's digital antitrust regulation, and its processes "are quite flexible" and "can be updated if needed", said the European Commission's competition spokesperson Lea Zuber on Tuesday, adding that, if the platform's services change, "this can be reflected in the regulatory obligations".
    Large language models (Llm) "do not feature on our list of core platform services", the spokesperson specified, referring to the Digital Markets Act.
    She added that, "having said this, ChatGPT and other large language models could be integrated into core platform services, for example online search engines or virtual assistants".
    Zuber went on to say that an assessment will be made by the Commission once ChatGPT's service "will be actually integrated" into Apple's iOS.
    Apple on Monday announced a partnership agreement with Chat GPT builder OpenAI.
    Under the agreement, the popular chatbot will be integrated into the upcoming versions of Apple's operating systems for iPhones, iPads and Macs.
    In particular, Apple's digital assistant Siri, which was launched over 10 years ago, will become more than an assistant, interacting with users along the lines of what Google has already accomplished. (ANSA).

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