
I'm going to get Ilaria says Roberto Salis

Antifascist will celebrate 40th birthday at home Monday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 14 - Ilaria Salis's father Roberto told ANSA Friday he was going to get his daughter after her release in Hungary following her election as a leftwing MEP and they would celebrate her 40th birthday at home in Monza Monday.
    "We'll celebrate her birthday at home, I'll got and get her and I'll bring her home," he said after she spent 16 months in controversial prison detention while she was on trial for allegedly attacking neoNazis in February last year.
    "I'm very happy, I'm trying to organise her return as quickly as possible.
    "I worked under the radar but we didn't expect her to be freed already today." (ANSA).

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