
Salis can return to Italy, birthday Monday

New AVS MEP will be able to celebrate 40th birthday back home

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 14 - Ilaria Salis, an Italian antifascist on trial for attacking neoNazis in Hungary who has been freed after her election as a leftwing Green-Left Alliance (AVS) MEP, can now return to Italy and will presumably be back by Monday, 17 June on her 40th birthday.
    Her family had already bought tickets to join her to celebrate her 40th birthday in Budapest on Monday, but now Salis will be able to celebrate it in Italy.
    The Monza elementary teacher had been accused of being part of a German-led 'hammer gang' that allegedly targeted neoNazis on their annual Day of Honour on February 11 last year commemorating the heroic resistance of an SS regiment against the Soviet invader.
    Her allegedly inhumane detention conditions had provoked strong protests from Italy.
    She had been facing a 24-year prison sentence for attempted murder.
    The three neoNazis she allegedly attacked did not report the incident and were discharged from hospital after very brief treatment. (ANSA).

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