
Your words are an inspiration to all Meloni tells pope

Thanks for staying to listen to leaders says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 14 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said after Pope Francis warned the Group of Seven summit in Puglia Friday, the first pontiff to attend a G7, of the potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence and the importance of sound politics that his words had been an inspiration for all the leaders present.
    "Thank you very much again for accepting our invitation, thank you for the first time of a pontiff at the G7, thank you for your words that are clearly an inspiration for each of us", she said.
    Speaking after Pope Francis' address to the G7 session dedicated to artificial intelligence, energy, Africa and the Mediterranean, Meloni added: "And thank you, for your willingness to stay and listen to the speeches of the other leaders, because we know that it is very demanding".
    Then Meloni asked the press to leave the room, because the rest of the session is closed-door. (ANSA).

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