
Moscow's blocking media unjustified says Farnesina

Italian outlets have given unbiased info on Ukraine says min

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 25 - The foreign ministry, the Farnesina, said Tuesday that Russia's tit for tat blocking of many foreign media sites including Italy's Rai, La7, la Repubblica and La Stampa was "unjustified".
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said it strongly condemns the Russian Federation's decision to block access on its territory to the broadcasts and sites of several European media, including the Italian Rai, La7, la Repubblica and La Stampa.
    "We regret the unjustified measure taken against these Italian broadcasters and newspapers, which have always provided objective and impartial information on the conflict in Ukraine.
    "These media have followed objective information criteria," the Farnesina said in a note.
    Moscow blocked access to 81 European Union media outlets Tuesday, in response to the EU's blacking out a number of Russian outlets. (ANSA).

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