
We'll work with any government chosen by the French-Tajani

Important thing is stability in France, markets says FM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Monday that Italy would work with any government chosen by the French after first round results put Marine Le Pen's rightwing National Rally (RN) on 33% of the vote ahead of a leftwing alliance on 28% and President Emmanuel Macron's centrist group on 21%.
    "I am concerned about the risks of instability, the important thing is that Europe manages to be stable, before making any comments we have to wait for the ballot vote, but what is important is stability in France, because stability in France also means stability in the markets," said Tajani, who is also deputy premier and leader of the centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) party.
    "We will work with whichever government is chosen by the French citizens".
    Tajani was answering a question on RN's success. (ANSA).

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