
Orban Ukraine peace move shd be lauded says League

Like it or not, talk to belligerents for truce says Senate whip

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visits to Russia and China in a bid to achieve peace in Ukraine should be praised rather than criticised, rightwing League party Senate Whip Massimiliano Romeo said Wednesday.
    Some 15 EU countries have moved to strip Hungary of the Union's rotating presidency, which it has just taken over, because of Orban's unilateral initiative.
    Romeo said: "It is now clear that a war that no one can win unless you want to make it last ad infinitum, with all the consequences that that entails in terms of deaths and arms spending, the only path can only be diplomacy and the search for a truce.
    "Many European countries, instead of rending their garments at those who attempt mediation like Orban is doing should praise certain initiatives.
    "Like it or not, you have to talk to the belligerent States if you want to reach a truce.
    "Not many wars end in unconditional surrender" (ANSA).

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