(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 28 - MEP and European People's Party (EPP)
group leader in the European Parliament Manfred Weber on
Wednesday met Italy's likely candidate to be European
Commissioner, Regional Affairs, South, Territorial Cohesion and
National Receovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) Minister Raffaele
Fitto in Rome before going on to meet Premier Giorgia Meloni,
leader of the rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party to which
Fitto belongs as an MP.
The meetings took place at the minister's office and then at the
premier's office at Palazzo Chigi.
"As always it was a good meeting," the German politician
confined himself to saying as he left Fitto's ministry offices.
Weber meets Fitto, then Meloni
'As always a good meeting with Fitto' says EPP whip