(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 21 - The European Parliament on Monday
voted down a request to debate the consequences of Friday's Rome
court ruling nixing the transfer of the first dozen migrants to
a new processing centre in Albania because the European Court of
Justice said their countries of provenance, Egypt and
Bangladesh, were not wholly safe.
The Strasbourg Parliament rejected with 164 votes in favour, 319
against and 1 abstention the request, presented by the Greens
group and supported by Liberals, Socialists and Left EU, to add
to the Plenary calendar a debate on the "consequences of the
Rome court ruling on the agreement between Italy and Albania".
The centre-right European People's Party, the European
Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) of Premier Giorgia Meloni,
the Patriots for Europe of Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini and the
ESN, another 'sovereignist' group, voted against the request.
EP KOs debate bid on Albania-Italy deal
EPP team up with 'sovereignists' to defeat leftwing request