(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 14 - Moscow's repeated attacks on
President Sergio Mattarella are inconceivable, Foreign Minister
Antonio Tajani said Friday.
"The position of the Farnesina is that it is inconceivable that
there is a repeated attack on the figure of the Head of State by
the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry," said Tajani,
who is also deputy premier, at the end of the G7 ministerial
meeting in Charlevoix, Canada, commenting on the summoning of
the Russian ambassador to the Farnesina following Moscow's
attacks on Mattarella.
"Unmotivated, repeated attacks, even with some threats. It is
not good for diplomatic relations." (ANSA).
Moscow's repeated attacks on Mattarella inconceivable - FM
'They are not good for diplomatic relations'