
BR victim's son says French court decision 'right'

'Need to think in terms of restoring truth' says Di Cataldo

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 28 - The son of a victim of Italy's Red Brigades (BR) group which dominated the 'Years of Lead' in the 1970s and 80s said Tuesday he thought the decision of France's supreme Court of Cassation to confirm its refusal to extradite 10 former leftist terrorists, mostly ex-members of the BR, was "right".
    "More than 47 years have now passed , I am only so interested in the punishment itself," said Alberto Di Cataldo, son of Francesco, the marshal killed by the Red Brigades in Milan on April 20, 1978.
    "I also find what the French (Court of) Cassation did to be right. We need to think in terms of restoring some truth to the events: the real issue is not extradition as much as establishing whether these ten people will make a contribution to understanding what happened in those years," he added.

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