
Only 39% of year 8 students in South competent in maths (2)

Overall proportion lacking acceptable literacy, numeracy down

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 11 - Only 39% of year eight students in southern Italy and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily have at least the basic level in mathematics, level three, according to a report released on Thursday on the annual Invalsi tests measuring numeracy and literacy.
    "It's an alarming figure," said Invalsi president Roberto Ricci There was better news at the national level, with the proportion of pupils who do not have the minimum acceptable numeracy and literacy skills down to 6. 6%, the lowest since 2019, when it was 7.5%.
    This rose to 9.7% in 2022, perhaps a result of the impact of distance learning during the COVID pandemic, and then dropped to 8.7% last year. (ANSA).

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