
Rai bosses defend French election coverage (2)

Row over alleged lack of attention to result by Rainews24

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 12 - Rai CEO Roberto Sergio and Director General Giampaolo Rossi on Friday defended the State broadcaster's coverage of the second round of France's parliamentary elections last weekend, amid a row over news channel Rainews24's allegedly failure to give sufficient attention to a left-wing alliance coming first.
    "The attention and commitment with which Rai journalists followed last week's French elections, just as they follow major current events on a daily basis, from Ukraine to Israel, are proof of how the public-service broadcaster is faithful to its task of informing the public and providing tools to interpret our times, regardless of pointless, specious polemics," Sergio and Rossi said.
    "Our recognition and that of the company goes to Rai's journalists and all those who contribute to the quality and success of Rai's news". (ANSA).

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