
Over 50 children rescued at sea arrive in Salerno (2)

Many are unaccompanied, it's a tragedy says Mayor Napoli

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 13 - The Geo Barents search-and-rescue ship operated by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) docked in the southern port of Salerno on Saturday with 99 migrants it rescued in two operations off the coast of Libya this week, including 53 minors.
    The 41 boys and 12 girls included 37 unaccompanied minors.
    Many were small children and some had trouble walking down the steps to the quay after the ship docked.
    "The 99 people rescued on July 10 safely disembarked in Salerno this morning. Despite their arduous journey, many faced harassment from the Libyan SSA (security force), forcing many to jump into the water, preferring to risk death at sea rather than be pushed back to #Libya," MSF said via X.
    The migrants, who also included 34 men and 12 women, mostly came from Ivory Coast, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Guinea and Burkina Faso.
    "There were many children, and many of them were unaccompanied, on the Geo Barents ship that docked this morning at the port of Salerno with 99 migrants," said Salerno Mayor Vincenzo Napoli said via Facebook.
    "According to the initial information, the vast majority, including women and children, suffered abuse and all kinds of physical and psychological violence.
    "It's a huge tragedy.
    "As a municipal administration, we will put in place support and paths to follow for these people who, after the hell they have suffered, arrive in our country with the hope of a better future". (ANSA).

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