
Meloni, Mattarella condemn Trump assassination attempt (2)

Tajani says he's 'shocked' by the attack

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 14 - Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and President Sergio Mattarella have both condemned the assassination attempt on former United States President Donald Trump and wished the Republican candidate a speedy recovery after he was hit in the right ear.
    "I follow with apprehension the updates from Pennsylvania, where the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump was shot during a rally," Meloni said on social media overnight.
    "(I sent) my solidarity and my wishes for a speedy recovery to him, with the hope that the coming months of the election campaign may see dialogue and responsibility prevail over hatred and violence".
    Mattarella said the attack was cause for "grave alarm and strong indignation.
    "The violence that, for some time now, has resumed in the political arena is a disconcerting symptom of the deterioration of the civil fabric and the dangerous rejection of discussion, dialogue and respect for democratic life," the Italian head of State added..
    "I wish Donald Trump and the others injured a speedy recovery and express my condolences for the citizen who has fallen victim to this intolerable act of hatred and an attack on freedom.
    "The United States, a great democracy, will certainly respond effectively and vigorously to any concept of violence". (ANSA).

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