
Law approved making poor conduct grounds to fail pupils

Students face repeating year even if academically up to scratch

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 25 - The Lower House on Wednesday gave final approval to a law drafted by Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara which, among other things, gives schools the power to fail students purely on the basis of their behaviour.
    As a result, pupils who get five out of 10 or less in conduct at middle and high schools will fail the year and face having to repeat it, even if their academic standard is up to scratch.
    Furthermore, high-school students who only get six in conduct will have to do a civic education test.
    "The reform of the conduct grade restores the importance of individual responsibility, makes respect of people and public goods central and restores the authoritativeness of the teachers," Valditara said. (ANSA).

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