(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 22 - Separations are down 8.4% and
divorces down 3.
Divorces and separations both decreased in 2023: there were
82,392 separations (-8.4%) and 79,875 divorces (-3.3%), which
was 19.4% less compared to 2016, the year in which they were the
most numerous so far, 99,071.
The trend in divorces has been constantly increasing from 1970
(the year divorce was introduced) until 2015.
In that latter year the number of divorces increased sharply
(+57.5%) in relation to the entry into force of two provisions:
Legislative Decree 132/2014, which introduced extrajudicial
consensual procedures without resorting to the Courts and above
all Law 55/2015 (the "short divorce").
photo: influencer Chiara Ferragni and rapper Fedez, whose
divorce came through this week (ANSA).
Separations down 8.4%, divorces down 3.3% in Italy (3)
Increasing trend from 1970 to 2015, +57.5%