
Vocational training, the mission of IAL FVG to the Balkans

In Albania and Montenegro to improve the quality of trainers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 22 SET - The improvement of organizational and service quality of Vocational Training (VT) operators in countries not associated with the Erasmus program is the goal of the "Capacity Building" mission of which Ial FVG is the lead partner as part of the Erasmus+ project "VET WEB - Valorising Experiences for Training in Western Balkans," an initiative funded by the EU with a total budget of 350,000 euros.
    The team's first exploratory phase in Montenegro and Albania, involving 9 Italian, Belgian, and French experts, recently ended in Tirana with a meeting to summarize the results acquired and organize the project's next steps.
    Thirteen VT students and three staff workers from Albania and Montenegro will be visiting for nine days, first in Brussels (January 2024), then Pordenone (June 2024), and finally in Barcelona (September 2024).
    "Our involvement in the project with the role of lead partner," underlines the president of IAL FVG, Luciano Bordin, "is part of a commitment to the promotion and development of vocational training at the international level that we want to support with a strength of conviction in a framework of increasingly broad and well-structured relations and collaborations." The project also involves the Communitas Consortium (Italy), FRESS (Spain), IHF (Belgium) as far as program countries are concerned, Albanian partners Partneritet Per Zhvillim (PFD) and Yunus Social Business Fund Albania (Yunus), as well as Montenegrin partners Caritas Crne Gore (Caritas Me) and Centar za strucno obrazovanje (CSO).
    "VT providers and training and employability organizations in the program countries," explains Marianna Muin, IAL FVG international projects manager and Vet Web project manager, "are tasked with supporting colleagues in improving managerial, organizational, pedagogical, communication, and networking skills." The three-day training event held in Podgorica, Montenegro, was attended by 32 participants, including IAL FVG President Luciano Bordin, Human Resources Director of the Government of Montenegro Marijana Nedovic Radulovic, Erasmus+ Montenegro Agency contact person Vania Drijevic, Pope of the Diocese of Budinje, and representatives of local training organizations.

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